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Seoul National University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering


Transportation Engineering

Transportation Engineering Laboratory

Professor Office Phone E-mail Homepage
Lee, Chungwon 35-305 +82-2-880-7368 chungwon@snu.ac.kr https://treng.snu.ac.kr

Transportation is considered to be important in today's economic society and it can be defined as an activity and process related to the movement of people and goods. In order to travel efficiently through land·water·air·underground, transportation facilities that support them, such as roads, railway, airports, and ports, are required. Based on the analysis of various factors and relationship among these factors that form the transportation system, transportation engineering is a study that theoretically supports the system to be socially, economically, and environmentally safe and efficient. Transportation engineering researches optimal methods to improve current and future transportation system through verifying existing transportation system analysis method and developing new theories. Courses offered include transportation engineering and experiment, traffic flow theory, advanced transportation management, sustainable transportation, intelligent transportation systems, highway engineering, airport engineering and railroad engineering. Various fields related to hardware and software, such as transportation facility planning, designing and operations, are covered.