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서울대학교 공과대학 건설환경공학부



공지사항 Notice

[기타] 일본 동경대 공대 2015 Summer Program 모집(학부생)
이름 조선희 (seonhee@snu.ac.kr) 작성일 15-06-22 13:30 조회 7,943

프로그램 명 : Civil Engineering - Sustainable Water Management in an Era of Big Data

(학부생만 지원 가능합니다.)

내용 : The University of Tokyo (UTokyo) and the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) under the auspices of UNESCO, Public Works Research Institute (PWRI),Tsukuba, will organize an International Summer Program. The course, consisting of expert lectures, technical exercises, and excursions, is designed to promote problem-solving capability for water problems with interdisciplinary approach and by exploiting various data and data integration functions of the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) of Japan. Participants will work on real problems focusing on developing resilience to disasters under the climate change, preparedness for risk of unforeseen disasters and how to introduce this risk into social management and planning for safe and naturally rich environment.

1. Tuition Fee:

A. Course – Free of Charge

B. Accommodation, Local Transportation – Paid by organizer (학점 인정 가능한 경우, 서울공대에서 왕복 항공료 지원)

2. Application Procedure:

   Applicants should fill out the “Application Form” and send it

   by email to the organizers at kavkr@snu.ac.kr

3. Deadline: 26th June, 2015   

4. Date : July 27 ~ August 8, 2015

5. Contact: k-kikaku@t-adm.t.u-tokyo.ac.j (서울대 문의 : kavkr@snu.ac.kr)

6. Eligibility: Undergraduate

7. Website: 
