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서울대학교 공과대학 건설환경공학부



장학금 Scholarship

Application Guide to Glo-Harmony Scholarship(Spring 2015)
We are pleased to announce that Glo-Harmony Scholarship Program for Spring 2015 (the domestic scholarship for students from developing countries) is now available!
As one of collaborative institutions of the Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation, SNU will select approx. 3 students for Spring 2015.
Following is the brief information for Glo-Harmony for your reference.
Please see details on the attached guideline and please download application forms for applying this scholarship.
1. Eligibility Criteria
- Students from DAC recipient country (See details on the attached list)
- Undergraduate or graduate students (newly admitted or current)- Undergraduate students: going into first, second or third year in Spring 2015
- Demonstrating financial need
- Majoring in Humanities or Social Sciences are given priority
- Applicants from combatant nations of the Korean War(Colombia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, and Turkey) are given priority.       -
- Strong-willed students for contributing to their home country upon graduation.
- Having potential to become a global leader.
- Language proficiency of either English or Korean is highly recommended, but not compulsory
* Please see attached for the list of recipient countries.
2. Subsidies
- Full tuition fee: Provided by SNU starting from Spring 2015(Maximum of 8 semesters)
- Financial support (dormitory fee, insurance, text books, food, etc.) : Provided by Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation.
- Financial support will be provided by Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation. Details on the amount and period of subsidies will be available upon the final confirmation of the foundation.
3. Number of openings
Approx. 3 students(undergraduate/graduate)
4. Deadline
Application deadline: January. 16th (Fri.), 2015, 18:00
*Late applicants will not be considered under any circumstance.
5. Scholarship Application
Mail the completed application forms and required documents to the following address. (*Email applicants are not acceptable.)
The Scholarship Coordinator.
Seoul National University
CJ International Center(Bldg.#152), 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu,
Seoul 151-742, Republic of Korea
Tel: 82-2-880-2519
- For inquiries, please email us (intlscholarship@snu.ac.kr)
- Late/Email documents will not be considered under any circumstance.
- Please examine attached guideline and application forms very closely for detailed information of Glo-Harmony Scholarship.
삼성꿈장학재단은 글로벌 리더로서의 성장 잠재력이 있는 개발도상국 출신 대학()생을 장학생으로 선발하여, 국내 대학 수학에 필요한 장학금을 지원하는글로하모니(Glo-Harmony) 장학 사업을 진행하고 있습니다.
이에 2015학년도 1학기 글로하모니(Glo-Harmony) 장학생 선발 계획을 안내하오니, 해당 프로그램의 취지에 맞는 학생들은 지원하시기 바랍니다.
. 지원자격
1) DAC 수원국 명단에 있는 개발도상국 출신자(교포 및 순수 중국인 제외),
, 조선족, 고려인, 애니깽 등 한인 후손 지원 가능
2) 한국전쟁 참전국 중 현재 개발도상국에 속한 국가(남아프리카 공화국, 에티오피아, 콜롬비아, 터키, 태국, 필리핀) 출신 학생 우선 지원
3) 가정 경제 상황이 어려운 자
4) 학업수행능력(언어, 성적)이 우수한 자
5) 졸업 후, 본국으로 돌아가 고국에 기여할 의지와 잠재력이 있는 자
. 선발 일정
- 서류 접수(국제협력본부) : ~ 2015 1 16() 마감 (기한엄수)
- 1차 합격자 발표 및 면담 심사 : 2015 2 25() ~3 2()
- 최종 결과발표 및 장학금 지급 : 2015 3월 초
. 선발인원: 3(예정)
. 신청방법: 국제협력본부(152 1) 직접 방문 또는 우편 접수(마감일 엄수)
. 제출서류: 붙임 참조
. 문의사항: 국제협력본부 정선희(02-880-2519, sunheec@snu.ac.kr)
붙임 1. 2015학년도 1학기 글로하모니 장학생 선발 안내문(영문) 1
     2. DAC 수원국 명단 1
     3. 신청서 양식 국문 및 영문 각 1.