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Seoul National University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering



[Scholarship] Application Guide to Glo-Harmony Scholarship (Spring 2017)
이름 조현진 (hyunjinjo@snu.ac.kr) 작성일 16-12-12 18:16 조회 5,467
   DAC List of ODA Recipients (2014-2016).pdf (21.6K) [120] DATE : 2016-12-12 18:16:28
   Application Form(Undergraduate).doc (143.5K) [68] DATE : 2016-12-12 18:16:28
   Application Form(Graduate).doc (144.0K) [50] DATE : 2016-12-12 18:16:28
글로벌 희망장학생 모집 포스터(Eng)_저용량

Glo-Harmony Scholarship Program for Spring 2017


Our Scholarship application for Spring 2017 is now available.


1. Eligibility Criteria

- Students from DAC recipient country (See details on the attached list)

- Undergraduate or graduate students (newly admitted or current)

- Undergraduate students: going into first, second or third year in Spring 2017

- Demonstrating financial need

- Majoring in Humanities or Social Sciences are given priority

- Applicants from combatant nations of the Korean War are given priority.

  (Colombia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, and Turkey)

- Strong-willed students for contributing to their home country upon graduation.

- Having potential to become a global leader.

- Language proficiency of either English or Korean is highly recommended, but not compulsory 

* Please see attached for the list of recipient countries.


2. Subsidies


- Full tuition fee :Provided by SNU starting from Spring 2017 (Maximum eight semesters) 

- Financial support (dormitory fee, insurance, text books, food, etc.)

Supported by Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation.


- Financial support will be provided by Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation.

  Details on the amount and period of subsidies will be available upon the final confirmation of the  



3. Number of recipients

Approx. 2 students (undergraduate/graduate)


4. Deadline

Application deadline: January 23 (Mon.), 2017, 17:00 

*Late applicants will not be considered under any circumstances.


5. Scholarship Application

The completed application forms and required documents from you(the applicant) and be postmarked no later than Monday, January 23 17:00(Seoul Time).

Note: Forms submitted via email or fax are not acceptable.


For any inquiries or questions, please email to intlscholarship@snu.ac.kr 


* Note: Late eligibility applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.


Staff in Charge: Ms. Yoori Kim

Scholarship Coordinator

Seoul National University

CJ International Centre (Bldg.#152) 2nd Floor, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, 

Seoul,08826, Republic of Korea

Tel: 82-2-880-2519