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Seoul National University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering



[Academic Affairs] 2017-1 Semester Schedule: Thesis Evaluation
이름 조현진 (hyunjinjo@snu.ac.kr) 작성일 17-03-17 11:11 조회 4,299
   (2) Forms.hwp (54.5K) [39] DATE : 2017-03-17 11:13:20
   (3) External Examiners Information.hwp (12.0K) [12] DATE : 2017-03-17 11:13:20
   Forms in English.hwp (49.0K) [10] DATE : 2017-03-17 11:13:20

2017-1 Semester Schedule: Thesis Evaluation


* Required document: attachment ’02.Form’ and ’03.External Examiners Information’

* Please meet the deadline.


1. Notice for Thesis Evaluation Schedule

● During March 2017


2. On-Line and Off-Line Application

● From March 20 (Mon) to April 7 (Fri), 2017

- Please apply it at mySNU (http://my.snu.ac.kr/mysnu/) Academic Affairs (학사정보) Graduation (졸업) Thesis/Achievement Examination (논문관련) Apply

- Please submit the required documents to the department office (Room 323 in Building 35)

- Please note that you have to be registered as ‘Research Student’ if you want to go through these procedures. Registration can be made from April 3 (Mon) to April 12 (Wed).


The List of Required Documents (1st step)

* For Master's Degree

①    Page 1 ‘석사학위논문심사원

②    Page 28 ‘연구윤리준수확인서

* For Doctorate Degree

①    Page 3 ‘박사논문심사요구서

②    Page 4 ‘지도교수추천서

③    Page 5 ‘이력서

④    Page 28 ‘연구윤리준수확인서


3. Payment for Thesis Evaluation Fee

From April 10 (Mon) to April 18 (Tue), 2017 (9AM to 5PM for 7 weekdays)

- Please apply for it through mySNU (http://my.snu.ac.kr/mysnu/) Academic Affairs (학사정보) Graduation (졸업) ⇒ 논문심사료 납부고지서 (bill) Print the bill Pay your thesis evaluation fee at the bank or transfer to the virtual account.


4. Recommending Committee for Thesis Evaluation

By April 21 (Fri), 2017

- Please submit all the required documents to the department office.


The List of Required Documents (2nd step)

* For Master's Degree

①    Page 6 ‘논문심사위원추천서’   

②    Optional – Attachment (External Examiners Information form)

* For Doctorate Degree

①    Page 6 ‘논문심사위원추천서’  

②    Optional – Attachment (External Examiners Information form)


5. Thesis Evaluation 

From April to June 16 (Fri), 2017

Submit the thesis and abstract to your committees.


6. Thesis Evaluation Results

By July 7 (Fri), 2017

- Please submit all the required documents to the department office.


The List of Required Documents (3rd step)

* For Master's Degree

①    Page 2 ‘석사학위논문심사요지

* For Doctorate Degree 

①    Page 10 ‘박사학위 논문 예비심사 결과 보고

②    Page 11 ‘구술고사성적표(5 copies)’ 

③    Page 12 ‘투표용지(5 copies)’

④    Page 13 ’박사학위논문심사요지

⑤    Page 14 ‘박사학위논문심사결과표


7. Thesis Submission

On-Line Submission (PDF file): From the date of evaluation done to July 27, 2017

http://library.snu.ac.krClick ‘도서관서비스Click ‘학위논문 온라인 제출Submit your file

Off-Line Submission (Hard copy): From July 25 to 27, 2017 (for 3 days) at the library

Without submission of your thesis, you cannot get both a degree and graduated.


The List of Required Documents (4th step)

Please submit the Confirmation Letter of Your Thesis Submission to the department office.

(After On-Line Submission done Print ‘학위논문제출확인서’ at http://library.snu.ac.kr)


Please contact Ms.Shinjoo LIM if you have further inquiries at either 880-7343 or sjlim@snu.ac.kr.