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Seoul National University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering



[etc.] Summer Program on "Sustainable Water Management in an Era of Big Data"
이름 조현진 (hyunjinjo@snu.ac.kr) 작성일 16-05-12 11:50 조회 2,891
   UTokyo-ICHARM_Summer_Program2016.pdf (430.7K) [13] DATE : 2016-05-12 11:50:10
Please refer to the attached for details and apply for this program if you are interested.
■ Eligibility: 20 undergraduate students of universities in and outside Japan (any majors)
■ Date/Time: Mon., July 25th - Fri., August 5th, 2016
■ Venue: UTokyo and the International Centre for Water and Risk Management (ICHARM)
■ Language: English
■ Participation fee: 30,000 JPY (about 280 USD), which includes organizational and field trip expenses. In addition, participants are responsible for their expenses associated with transportation (including local commuting), accommodation, meals, and travel/health insurance.
■ Deadline: Sun., May 22nd, 2016
■ Details and application: http://wci.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/summer/
■ Financial Support: Air Fare from College of Engineering, SNU
■ Inquiries: Ms.Heesun KIM (880-8079 / kavkr@snu.ac.kr)