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Seoul National University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering



[Academic Affairs] Fall 2016 Semester Schedule: Thesis Evaluation
이름 조현진 (hyunjinjo@snu.ac.kr) 작성일 16-09-28 11:22 조회 2,944
   (2) Forms.hwp (54.5K) [18] DATE : 2016-09-28 11:23:39
   (3) External Examiners Information.hwp (12.0K) [5] DATE : 2016-09-28 11:23:39
2016-2 Semester Schedule: Thesis Evaluation
* Required document: attachment ’02.Form’ and ’03.External Examiners Information’
* Please meet the deadline.
1. Notice for Thesis Evaluation Schedule
● During September 2016
2. On-Line and Off-Line Application
● From October 10 (Mon) to October 17 (Mon), 2016 <for 8 days>
- Please apply it at mySNU (http://my.snu.ac.kr/mysnu/) Academic Affairs (학사정보) Graduation (졸업) Thesis/Achievement Examination (논문관련) Apply
- Please submit the required documents to the department office (Room 323 in Building 35)
The List of Required Documents (1st step)
* For Master's Degree
①    Page 1 ‘석사학위논문심사원
②    Page 28 ‘연구윤리준수확인서
* For Doctorate Degree
①    Page 3 ‘박사논문심사요구서
②    Page 4 ‘지도교수추천서
③    Page 5 ‘이력서
④    Page 28 ‘연구윤리준수확인서
 3. Payment for Thesis Evaluation Fee
From October 19 (Wed) to 31 (Mon), 2016 (9AM to 5PM for 9 weekdays)
- Please apply for it through mySNU (http://my.snu.ac.kr/mysnu/) Academic Affairs (학사정보) Graduation (졸업) ⇒ 논문심사료 납부고지서 (bill) Print the bill Pay your thesis evaluation fee at the bank or transfer to the virtual account
4. Recommending Committee for Thesis Evaluation
By November 1 (Tue), 2016
- Please submit all the required documents to the department office.
The List of Required Documents (2nd step)
* For Master's Degree
①    Page 6 ‘논문심사위원추천서   
②    Optional – Attachment (External Examiners Information form)
* For Doctorate Degree
①    Page 6 ‘논문심사위원추천서  
②    Optional – Attachment (External Examiners Information form)
5. Thesis Evaluation 
From September to January 6 (Fri), 2017
Submit the thesis and abstract to your committee.
6. Thesis Evaluation Results
By January 6 (Fri), 2017 (Submit all the required documents to the department office.)
The List of Required Documents (3rd step)
* For Master's Degree
①    Page 2 ‘석사학위논문심사요지
* For Doctorate Degree 
①    Page 10 ‘박사학위 논문 예비심사 결과 보고
②    Page 11 ‘구술고사성적표(5 copies)’ 
③    Page 12 ‘투표용지(5 copies)’
④    Page 13 ’박사학위논문심사요지
⑤    Page 14 ‘박사학위논문심사결과표
7. Thesis Submission
On-Line Submission (PDF file): From the date of evaluation done to February 1, 2017
http://library.snu.ac.krClick ‘도서관서비스Click ‘학위논문 온라인 제출Submit your file
Off-Line Submission (Hard copy): From February 1 to 3, 2017 (for 3 days) at the library
Without submission of your thesis, you cannot get both a degree and graduated.
The List of Required Documents (4th step)
①    Submit the Confirmation Letter of Your Thesis Submission to the department office
(After On-Line Submission done Print ‘학위논문제출확인서’ at http://library.snu.ac.kr)
8. Thesis Submission Withdrawal
If you want to defer or withdraw evaluation, please submit the application by January 6 (Fri), 2017, to the department office. You can get the form on Page 15 ‘박사학위 논문심사 철회 신청서’.
Please contact Ms.Hyunjin Jo if you have further inquiries at either 880-9082 or hyunjinjo@snu.ac.kr.