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Seoul National University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering



[etc.] [Recruiting] Looking for a Student from Central Asia
이름 조현진 (hyunjinjo@snu.ac.kr) 작성일 16-02-05 11:38 조회 2,896
K-water (http://english.kwater.or.kr/eng/main.do?s_mid=4) is currently looking for a student from the Central Asia for the temporary position. The student should speak English and Russian, and she/he will 1) research on overseas business, 2) translation and 3) administrative tasks. Please refer to the below for details and contact Mr.Jo (Changhyun JO) directly at dream@kwater.or.kr, 02-2150-0371 or 010-6285-6659.
- Graduate students preferred, but undergraduate students are also allowed to apply.
- Students in College of Engineering preferred, but students in other colleges are also allowed to apply.
Working Conditions
- Working Hour: 24 hours in a week (negotiable)
- Wage: Between KRW1,000,000 and KRW1,200,000
- Contract Period: Over 6 months from February 2016 (negotiable)
- Working Days: 3 days in a week (negotiable)
- Working Place: K-water Foreign Division (Gwacheon Government Complex)