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Seoul National University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering



[etc.] Application for the Chicago Forum on Global Cities
이름 조현진 (hyunjinjo@snu.ac.kr) 작성일 16-03-09 14:42 조회 2,391
   CFGC+Student+Nomination+Form+-+International+University.pdf (479.2K) [8] DATE : 2016-03-09 14:42:28
There will be the annual forum by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs called The Chicago Forum on Global Cities in June 2016, and the council is currently looking for graduate student participants from SNU to be nominated to the forum.
Please refer to the attached and feel free to contact the staff in charge directly if you have further inquiries.

A. Event Name: The Chicago Forum on Global Cities
B. Period: From June 1 (Wed) to 3 (Fri)
C. Location/Venue: Chicago in USA
D. Open to students with 1) successful completion of undergraduate studies with a degree international affairs, political science, economics, public policy, architecture, urban planning, environmental engineering or other related fields and 2) current enrollment in a master’s or PhD program at the nominating institution (Seoul National University)
E. Required Documents for Application: Email to the staff in charge with Application (the form attached), Self-Introduction, CV and an identification picture
F. Deadline: March 18 (Fri), 2016
G. Staff in Charge: Ms.Yoori KIM at the Office of International Affairs (OIA) (international@snu.ac.kr, 880-8636)
H. Note: All airfare, accommodation and other transportation fee will be covered by the Chicago Council.