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Seoul National University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering



[etc.] Thesis Submission Qualification Exam - Korean Language Proficiency Exam
이름 조현진 (hyunjinjo@snu.ac.kr) 작성일 16-03-02 09:35 조회 2,355
On March 18 (Friday) at 9:30AM, there will be a Korean Language Proficiency exam held for international students. Passing the language exam is one of the qualification requirements for graduation, so you please check whether you already met the requirement first.
Other than taking this exam, you have more options as below:
1. Take a Korean Course (Not the courses at LEI, Language Education Institute) by your 3rd semester; either Korean Language and Culture 1 (code: 990.804) or Korean Language and Culture 2 (code: 990.805) and get C- or more (or S). Please note that this course credit will be not included in total acquired credits.
Those who already completed courses cannot register such subjects.
2. Submit the official transcript of TEPS (601 or more) or TOEFL (IBT – 84 or more)
Option is not applicable to the international students whose native language is English.
Please contact Ms.Hyunjin Jo if you want to take the exam on March 18 by March 4 (Friday). You can reach me at 880-9082 or hyunjinjo@snu.ac.kr.
Thank you.